
This page is where you will find everything you need to know about becoming a Sport Class Air Racing Member, or to renew your membership each year.

For Current Members

Those wishing to renew their membership for the current year, CLICK HERE. You will be taken to a password protected, members only page, from which you will be able to renew or change your race number, and pay your annual membership dues.

For prospective new members (race pilots and aircraft owners)

Read through the paragraphs below, which will provide you with all of the Sport Class Pilot experience requirements, and Sport Class Aircraft Eligibility requirements. If you and your aircraft meet all the Sport Class requirements, there is a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to a new member application form. Complete that form, and a Sport Class Air Racing officer will contact you, and provide further guidance for joining Sport Class.

Sport Class Membership

A Full (Voting) Member is a current race pilot or current race aircraft owner that is elligile to participate in Sport Class racing events. The fee for Membership is $200 per year, payable no later than the first day of May in that year. Each Voting Member is assigned a Race Number of their choice from the pool of available, unused, Race Numbers.

Pilot Qualification Requirements to Join Sport Class Air Racing

  • FAA Private Pilot Certificate or higher
    • o Equivalent Foreign Pilot Certificate
  • 500 hours fixed-wing PIC
    • 10 hours PIC in race aircraft type
    • 10 takeoffs and landings in race aircraft type
      • 3 hours PIC and 3 full stop landings in the actual race aircraft
      • This actual race aircraft experience is required prior to racing
  • Current and valid FAA Medical Certificate
    • Appropriate class and issuance date for the operation or event
      • Sport Class requires Third Class (or higher) for PPL operations
      • Event Air Race Organizer may require higher class and/or more recent issuance date
    • Equivalent Foreign Medical Certificate

Formation Experience Prerequisite Requirements to fly in any Sport Class Training or Racing Event.

(If you do not meet the following, Sport Class will work with you to obtain the experience)

  • Pilots must possess adequate formation skills to be considered safe for solo in a 4-ship or larger, performing all of the maneuvers in the Sport Class Formation Guidelines.
  • Documented or Verified Experience in the following will be considered qualifying:
    • Military Formation Training and Experience (Training Command, UPT, Fleet or Force).
    • FFI or FAST (Industry Formation Carded, documented attendance at FAST/FFI clinics, or documented training with FFI/FAST pilots).
    • Other documented sources of formation experience, such as documented training with Sport Class pilots.

Aircraft Eligibility Requirements

Aircraft eligible for competition within the Sport Class must meet each of the following criterion:

  • FAI Class C-1 Aircraft (Landplane)
  • Certificated as:
    • Experimental-Amateur Built, Experimental-Exhibition, or Experimental-Air Racing
    • Phase I flight test must be complete
  • Propeller Driven, with Reciprocating, Turboprop, or Electric Engine(s)
  • Maximum weight of 1,750 kg/3,858 lb (FAI Class C1-a, b, or c)
    • Maximum weight of 6,000 kg/13,228 lb (FAI Class C-1d and e) allowed if flown in a separate Sport Class Division

Sport Class Air Racing Sponsors