Race Results
2019 Results Are Shown Below
2017 Results Are Shown Below

The Tommy Rose award is sponsored by IS Racing and is awarded to the pilot who demonstrates the best airmanship during the week of air racing. This years winner is Bob Swortzell for safely landing his damaged aircraft after an incident in the start chute.
Below are the best speeds for all aircraft that participated. There must be more than one type to qualify for an award. The bottom of the list includes the few single entries and their best speeds.
Pilot Name | Aircraft Type | Race Number | Best Speed |
Fastest Super Glasair | |||
Jeff LaVelle | Super Glasair | 39 | 401.004 |
Mills, Bob | Super Glasair | 47 | 356.206 |
Fastest Glasair | |||
Fouts, Ben | Glasair | 808 | 266.079 |
Murphy, Kirk | Glasair | 25 | 263.234 |
Flanagan, John (Vandam, Rick) | Glasair | 22 | 254.967 |
Gusakov, Scott | Glasair | 540 | 254.502 |
Hansen, Eric | Glasair | 82 | 254.102 |
Schuck, Brett | Glasair | 14 | 224.996 |
Fastest Super Legacy | |||
Benzing, Vicky | Super Legacy | 6 | 377.840 |
Sterling, Dave | Super Legacy | 8 | 367.716 |
Findlay, Andrew | Super Legacy | 30 | 358.973 |
Fastest Legacy | |||
Walker, Vince | Legacy | 2 | 308.573 |
Crawford, Alan | Legacy | 32 | 298.208 |
Adams, Harry Jay (Sutter, Ernie) | Legacy | 66 | 297.295 |
Robinson, David | Legacy | 92 | 285.583 |
Takagi-Read, Chiwami | Legacy | 0 | 280.568 |
Van Hatten, Sean | Legacy | 628 | 268.408 |
Zaccagnino, Pete | Legacy | 28 | 265.652 |
Morss, Dave | Legacy | 99 | 265.174 |
Fastest Thunder Mustang | |||
Balmer, Peter | Thunder Mustang | 67 | 338.746 |
Haid, Mathias | Thunder Mustang | 151 | 309.896 |
Parker, John | Thunder Mustang | 352 | DNS |
Fastest Rocket (Super Six) | |||
Stringer, James | Super 6 | 49 | 242.09 |
Prewitt, Scott | Super 6 | 314 | 232.999 |
Schaich, Chris | Super 6 | 17 | 227.41 |
Fastest Lancair 360/360 | |||
McNerney, Tom | Lancair 360 | 55 | 268.408 |
Catalano, George | Lancair 320 | 56 | 238.316 |
Gabriel, Louis | Lancair 360 | 61 | 232.226 |
Frederickson, Mark | Lancair 320 | 31 | 231.082 |
Fastest RV | |||
Ulrich, Lee | RV | 101 | 244.241 |
Piper, Skylor | RV | 80 | 230.116 |
Wischer, Neil | RV | 888 | 227.980 |
Christopher, Stephen | RV | 771 | 226.421 |
Swortzel, Robert | RV | 26 | 223.613 |
Beaubien, Matt | RV | 81 | 221.235 |
Ford, George | RV | 43 | 219.944 |
Alvarez, Axel | RV | 87 | 214.931 |
One of a Kind | |||
Eldredge, Kevin | NXT | 42 | 319.639 |
Ter Keurs, Mark | GP-4 | 96 | 223.503 |
Huffstutler, Conrad | Lancair Mako | 90 | 217.579 |
2016 Results Are Shown Below

The Tommy Rose award is sponsored by IS Racing and is awarded to the pilot who demonstrates the best airmanship during the week of air racing. This years winner is Chiwami Read for her successful dead stick landing after and engine failure and in-flight fire!
Pilot Name | Aircraft Type | Race Number | Qual Speed |
Fastest Rocket (Best Speed) | |||
Beaton, Bill | Harmon Rocket | Race 57 | 281.762 |
Schaich, Chris | Harmon Rocket | Race 17 | 235.223 |
Senegal, Steve | Super RV-8 | Race 54 | 235.107 |
Schuck, Brett | Harmon Rocket | Race 14 | 230.927 |
Fastest 4 Cylinder Lancair (Best Speed) | |||
McNerney, Tom | Lancair 360 | Race 55 | 276.102 |
Carrera, Miguel | Lancair 360 | Race 61 | 236.863 |
Catalano, George | Lancair 360 | Race 56 | 236.5 |
Fastest Lancair Legacy | |||
Walker, Vince | Lancair Legacy | Race 2 | 306.241 |
Sutter, Ernie | Lancair Legacy | Race 66 | 303.467 |
Benzing, Vicky | Lancair Legacy | Race 15 | 303.464 |
Robinson, David | Lancair Legacy | Race 92 | 297.439 |
Van Hatten, Sean | Lancair Legacy | Race 628 | 295.625 |
Gaskins, Abe | Lancair Legacy | Race 72 | 266.239 |
Zaccagnino, Pete | Lancair Legacy | Race 28 | 264.325 |
Morss, Dave | Lancair Legacy | Race 99 | 262.01 |
Fastest RV | |||
West, Leland "Dan" | RV-8 | Race 270 | 241.909 |
Rovey, Jason | RV-8 | Race 76 | 234.879 |
Beaubien, Matthew | RV-4 | Race 81 | 230.239 |
Christopher, Stephen | RV-7 | 771 | 229.824 |
Ford, George | RV-8 | Race 43 | 224.995 |
Piper, Skylor | RV-8 | Race 80 | 222.681 |
Wahl, Dan | RV-8 | Race 75 | 221.492 |
Swortzel, Robert | RV-8 | Race 26 | 221.307 |
Alvarez, Axel | RV-4 | Race 87 | 220.847 |
Prewitt, Scott | RV-4 | Race 314 | 218.559 |
Cone, Tim | RV-8 | Race 18 | 212.93 |
Jernejcic, Matthew | RV-7 | Race 64 | 202.967 |
Fastest Super Glasair | |||
LaVelle, Jeff | Super Glasair III | Race 39 | 403.411 |
Mead, Gary | Super Glasair III | Race 47 | 364.051 |
Fastest Super Legacy | |||
Seguin, Elliot | Super Legacy | Race 33 | 379.768 |
Findlay, Andrew | Super Legacy | Race 30 | 371.734 |
Sterling, David | Super Legacy | Race 8 | 367.925 |
Farnsworth, Lynn | Super Legacy | Race 44 | 351.825 |
Fastest Thunder Mustang | |||
Parker, John | Thunder Mustang | Race 352 | 389.791 |
Mills, Bob | Thunder Mustang | Race 151 | 321.923 |
Balmer, Peter | Thunder Mustang | Race 67 | 318.611 |
One of a Kind | |||
Farnsworth, Scott | Xtreme XA42 | Race 38 | 221.176 |
Eldredge, Kevin | NXT | Race 42 | 325.592 |
Ogg, Richard | Glasair l | Race 0 | 239.197 |
Panzer, Jessy | Glasair III | Race 13 | 286.272 |
Vandam, Rick | Glasair II | Race 22 | 263.766 |
2015 Results Are Shown Below

Fastest In Type
Each year the Sport Class awards its own set of trophies based on speed in a specific type of aircraft. The only requirement is there be more than 1 of specific type of aircraft entered to race. The “Fastest in Type” award was provided by MT Propeller and arguably the most envied trophy at the awards banquet. Below you will find a list of all pilots and aircraft by type and by best speed from the week of racing. Winners are the top of each class.

Fastest Women
Karen Morss has created a perpetual trophy, The Race Angel, in honor of the late Lee Behel, a man who loved fast women! Colleen Keller was the recipient this year with a speed of 305.815 mph!

The Rocketeer
The ‘Rocketeer’ trophy is for most improved qualifying speed from one year to the next. Pictured is Jessy Panzer Race #13, winner of The Rocketeer, Fastest Glasair III @288.370 mph and Third Place Sport Silver. Congrats Jessy!
Type / Pilot Name | Race Number | Aircraft Name | Qual Speed |
FASTEST SUPER LEGACY (best speed) | |||
Lynn Farnsworth | Race 44 | Miss Karen II | 375.483 |
David Sterling | Race 8 | 362.436 |
Andrew Findlay | Race 30 | One Moment | 356.811 |
FASTEST LEGACY (best speed) | |||
Vince Walker | Race 2 | Modo Mio | 306.622 |
Colleen Keller | Race 52 | Poncho | 305.815 |
Vicky Benzing | Race 15 | Lucky Girl | 299.326 |
David Robinson | Race 92 | Desert Lightning | 294.482 |
Ernie Sutter | Race 66 | Jus Pass'n Thru | 293.858 |
FASTEST 4 CYL LANCAIR (best speed) | |||
Tom McNerney | Race 55 | Unleashed | 279.686 |
Louis Gabriel | Race 61 | Blind Luck | 231.726 |
FASTEST 6 CYL GLASAIR (best speed) | |||
Jessy Panzer | Race 13 | Cruse Missile | 288.370 |
Ryan Moran | Race 91 | Breaking Wind | 269.815 |
FASTEST 4 CYL GLASAIR (best speed) | |||
Chiwami Takagi-Read | Race 7 | Plastic Piglet | 225.957 |
Kirk Murphy | Race 25 | Papa's Ride | 220.080 |
FASTEST ROCKET (best speed) | |||
Bill Beaton | Race 57 | Griffin Rocket | 276.758 |
Shane Margraves | Race 49 | Rocket Six | 250.480 |
Chris Schaich | Race 17 | 227.858 |
FASTEST 4 CYL RV (best speed) | |||
Jason Rovey | Race 76 | 235.905 |
James Wilson | Race 27 | Bulldog | 221.546 |
Tim Cone | Race 18 | 218.048 |
Charlie Greer | Race 16 | Miss B Haven IV | 216.653 |
Stan Sutterfield | Race 84 | Eight for Papa | 216.466 |
Piper Skylor | Race 80 | Miss Ruby S. | 215.690 |
Dan West | Race 270 | Whiskey Tango | 215.368 |
Stephen Christopher | Race 771 | Margarita | 212.989 |
George Ford | Race 43 | Ice Hawk | 211.981 |
Ben Fouts | Race 26 | Naughty Angel | 211.731 |
Matt Beaubien | Race 81 | 211.381 |
Seth Baker | Race 74 | Little Miscreant | 206.895 |
Scott PreWitt | Race 314 | 202.216 |
FASTEST WOMEN (best speed) | |||
Colleen Keller | Race 52 | Poncho | 305.815 |
Vicky Benzing | Race 15 | Lucky Girl | 299.326 |
Jessy Panzer | Race 13 | Cruse Missile | 288.370 |
Chiwami Takagi-Read | Race 7 | Plastic Piglet | 225.957 |
ROCKETEER (qual to qual speeds - only increased speeds) | |||
Jessy Panzer | 82.684 |
Kevin Eldredge | 69.056 |
Lynn Farnsworth | 29.572 |
David Robinson | 16.037 |
John Parker | 14.242 |
Bill Beaton | 10.577 |
Tom McNerney | 8.742 |
Colleen Keller | 6.598 |
Scott Farnsworth | 5.113 |
Klaus Savier | 5.022 |
James Wilson | 2.914 |
ONLY 1 IN TYPE | |||
Dave Morss - Stewart Mustang | Race 70 | Beutiful Doll | 246.552 |
Gary Mead - Super Glasair | Race 47 | Lucky Mojo | 348.453 |
Klaus Savier - Long EZ | Race 111 | Determinator | 265.983 |
Kevin Eldredge - NXT | Race 42 | Relentless | 310.116 |
John Parker - Thunder Mustang | Race 352 | Blue Thunder | 397.251 |
Scott Farnsworth - ExtremeAir XA-42 | Race 38 | 218.309 |