
Race Results

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2017 Results Are Shown Below

MT Propeller has once again created some of the most eye catching trophies that the Sport Class could ask for. They are the talk of the banquet and will surely bring attention to the winner’s home or hangar. Please support our friends at MT Propeller as they continue to support us.

KPC has been sponsoring the Sport Class for many years. Each of our members use their Speed Cleaner on their canopy’s before each race. This year, KPC also sponsored the Rookie of the Year trophy that was awarded to Mathias Haid.

The Tommy Rose award is sponsored by IS Racing and is awarded to the pilot who demonstrates the best airmanship during the week of air racing. This years winner is Bob Swortzell for safely landing his damaged aircraft after an incident in the start chute.

A new trophy for 2017, sponsored by Blind Luck Racing and Louis Gabriel, goes to the best crew chief. Intended to be the well performing airplane mechanically speaking during the week of racing. What better trophy than a torque wrench!

Below are the best speeds for all aircraft that participated. There must be more than one type to qualify for an award. The bottom of the list includes the few single entries and their best speeds.

Pilot NameAircraft TypeRace NumberBest Speed
Fastest Super Glasair
Jeff LaVelleSuper Glasair39401.004
Mills, BobSuper Glasair47356.206
Fastest Glasair
Fouts, BenGlasair808266.079
Murphy, KirkGlasair25263.234
Flanagan, John (Vandam, Rick)Glasair22254.967
Gusakov, ScottGlasair540254.502
Hansen, EricGlasair82254.102
Schuck, BrettGlasair14224.996
Fastest Super Legacy
Benzing, VickySuper Legacy6377.840
Sterling, DaveSuper Legacy8367.716
Findlay, AndrewSuper Legacy30358.973
Fastest Legacy
Walker, VinceLegacy2308.573
Crawford, AlanLegacy32298.208
Adams, Harry Jay (Sutter, Ernie)Legacy66297.295
Robinson, DavidLegacy92285.583
Takagi-Read, ChiwamiLegacy0280.568
Van Hatten, SeanLegacy628268.408
Zaccagnino, PeteLegacy28265.652
Morss, DaveLegacy99265.174
Fastest Thunder Mustang
Balmer, PeterThunder Mustang67338.746
Haid, MathiasThunder Mustang151309.896
Parker, JohnThunder Mustang352DNS
Fastest Rocket (Super Six)
Stringer, JamesSuper 649242.09
Prewitt, ScottSuper 6314232.999
Schaich, ChrisSuper 617227.41
Fastest Lancair 360/360
McNerney, TomLancair 36055268.408
Catalano, GeorgeLancair 32056238.316
Gabriel, LouisLancair 36061232.226
Frederickson, MarkLancair 32031231.082
Fastest RV
Ulrich, LeeRV101244.241
Piper, SkylorRV80230.116
Wischer, NeilRV888227.980
Christopher, StephenRV771226.421
Swortzel, RobertRV26223.613
Beaubien, MattRV81221.235
Ford, GeorgeRV43219.944
Alvarez, AxelRV87214.931
One of a Kind
Eldredge, KevinNXT42319.639
Ter Keurs, MarkGP-496223.503
Huffstutler, ConradLancair Mako90217.579

2016 Results Are Shown Below

MT Propeller has once again created some of the most eye catching trophies that the Sport Class could ask for. They are the talk of the banquet and will surely bring attention to the winner’s home or hangar. Please support our friends at MT Propeller as they continue to support us.

KPC has been sponsoring the Sport Class for many years. Each of our members use their Speed Cleaner on their canopy’s before each race. This year, KPC also sponsored the Rookie of the Year trophy that was awarded to Axel Alvarez.

The Tommy Rose award is sponsored by IS Racing and is awarded to the pilot who demonstrates the best airmanship during the week of air racing. This years winner is Chiwami Read for her successful dead stick landing after and engine failure and in-flight fire!

Below are the best speeds for all aircraft that participated. There must be more than one type to qualify for an award. The bottom of the list includes the few single entries and their best speeds.
Pilot NameAircraft TypeRace NumberQual Speed
Fastest Rocket (Best Speed)
Beaton, BillHarmon RocketRace 57281.762
Schaich, ChrisHarmon RocketRace 17235.223
Senegal, SteveSuper RV-8Race 54235.107
Schuck, BrettHarmon RocketRace 14230.927
Fastest 4 Cylinder Lancair (Best Speed)
McNerney, TomLancair 360Race 55276.102
Carrera, MiguelLancair 360Race 61236.863
Catalano, GeorgeLancair 360Race 56236.5
Fastest Lancair Legacy
Walker, VinceLancair LegacyRace 2306.241
Sutter, ErnieLancair LegacyRace 66303.467
Benzing, VickyLancair LegacyRace 15303.464
Robinson, DavidLancair LegacyRace 92297.439
Van Hatten, SeanLancair LegacyRace 628295.625
Gaskins, AbeLancair LegacyRace 72266.239
Zaccagnino, PeteLancair LegacyRace 28264.325
Morss, DaveLancair LegacyRace 99262.01
Fastest RV
West, Leland "Dan"RV-8Race 270241.909
Rovey, JasonRV-8Race 76234.879
Beaubien, MatthewRV-4Race 81230.239
Christopher, StephenRV-7771229.824
Ford, GeorgeRV-8Race 43224.995
Piper, SkylorRV-8Race 80222.681
Wahl, DanRV-8Race 75221.492
Swortzel, RobertRV-8Race 26221.307
Alvarez, AxelRV-4Race 87220.847
Prewitt, ScottRV-4Race 314218.559
Cone, TimRV-8Race 18212.93
Jernejcic, MatthewRV-7Race 64202.967
Fastest Super Glasair
LaVelle, JeffSuper Glasair IIIRace 39403.411
Mead, GarySuper Glasair IIIRace 47364.051
Fastest Super Legacy
Seguin, ElliotSuper LegacyRace 33379.768
Findlay, AndrewSuper LegacyRace 30371.734
Sterling, DavidSuper LegacyRace 8367.925
Farnsworth, LynnSuper LegacyRace 44351.825
Fastest Thunder Mustang
Parker, JohnThunder MustangRace 352389.791
Mills, BobThunder MustangRace 151321.923
Balmer, PeterThunder MustangRace 67318.611
One of a Kind
Farnsworth, ScottXtreme XA42Race 38221.176
Eldredge, KevinNXTRace 42325.592
Ogg, RichardGlasair lRace 0239.197
Panzer, JessyGlasair IIIRace 13286.272
Vandam, RickGlasair IIRace 22263.766

2015 Results Are Shown Below

Fastest In Type

Each year the Sport Class awards its own set of trophies based on speed in a specific type of aircraft.  The only requirement is there be more than 1 of specific type of aircraft entered to race.  The “Fastest in Type” award was provided by MT Propeller and arguably the most envied trophy at the awards banquet.  Below you will find a list of all pilots and aircraft by type and by best speed from the week of racing.  Winners are the top of each class.

Fastest Women

Karen Morss has created a perpetual trophy, The Race Angel, in honor of the late Lee Behel, a man who loved fast women!  Colleen Keller was the recipient this year with a speed of 305.815 mph!

The Rocketeer

The ‘Rocketeer’ trophy is for most improved qualifying speed from one year to the next. Pictured is Jessy Panzer Race #13, winner of The Rocketeer, Fastest Glasair III @288.370 mph and Third Place Sport Silver. Congrats Jessy!

The table below is available as a downloadable PDF HERE
Type / Pilot NameRace NumberAircraft NameQual Speed
Lynn FarnsworthRace 44
Miss Karen II
David SterlingRace 8
Andrew Findlay
Race 30One Moment
FASTEST LEGACY (best speed)
Vince Walker
Race 2
Modo Mio
Colleen Keller
Race 52
Vicky Benzing
Race 15
Lucky Girl
David Robinson
Race 92
Desert Lightning
Ernie Sutter
Race 66
Jus Pass'n Thru
FASTEST 4 CYL LANCAIR (best speed)
Tom McNerney
Race 55
Louis Gabriel
Race 61
Blind Luck
FASTEST 6 CYL GLASAIR (best speed)
Jessy Panzer
Race 13
Cruse Missile
Ryan Moran
Race 91
Breaking Wind
FASTEST 4 CYL GLASAIR (best speed)
Chiwami Takagi-Read
Race 7
Plastic Piglet
Kirk Murphy
Race 25
Papa's Ride
FASTEST ROCKET (best speed)
Bill Beaton
Race 57
Griffin Rocket
Shane Margraves
Race 49
Rocket Six
Chris Schaich
Race 17
FASTEST 4 CYL RV (best speed)
Jason Rovey
Race 76
James Wilson
Race 27
Tim Cone
Race 18
Charlie Greer
Race 16
Miss B Haven IV
Stan Sutterfield
Race 84
Eight for Papa
Piper Skylor
Race 80
Miss Ruby S.
Dan West
Race 270
Whiskey Tango
Stephen Christopher
Race 771
George Ford
Race 43
Ice Hawk
Ben Fouts
Race 26
Naughty Angel
Matt Beaubien
Race 81
Seth Baker
Race 74
Little Miscreant
Scott PreWitt
Race 314
FASTEST WOMEN (best speed)
Colleen Keller
Race 52
Vicky Benzing
Race 15
Lucky Girl
Jessy Panzer
Race 13
Cruse Missile
Chiwami Takagi-Read
Race 7
Plastic Piglet
ROCKETEER (qual to qual speeds - only increased speeds)
Jessy Panzer
Kevin Eldredge
Lynn Farnsworth
David Robinson
John Parker
Bill Beaton
Tom McNerney
Colleen Keller
Scott Farnsworth
Klaus Savier
James Wilson
Dave Morss - Stewart Mustang
Race 70Beutiful Doll246.552
Gary Mead - Super Glasair
Race 47Lucky Mojo348.453
Klaus Savier - Long EZ
Race 111Determinator265.983
Kevin Eldredge - NXT
Race 42Relentless310.116
John Parker - Thunder Mustang
Race 352Blue Thunder397.251
Scott Farnsworth - ExtremeAir XA-42
Race 38218.309