Formation Flying is a fundamental skill involved in Sport Class Air Racing. Prospective Sport Class Racers must come with adequate formation training, skills and experience to be safe in the racing environment.

Sport Class Air Racing hosts a Formation Warm-up for its certified racers and prospective new racers. This warm-up period is mandatory for all Rookies desiring to attend PRTC. However, this warm-up period is just that, a warm-up. It is not designed as a basic formation clinic to give pilots with no formation experience the training needed to be safe for solo in 2 short days. It is designed as a two-day warm-up, and a class SOP familiarization period. In order to be accepted to participate in the Sport Class Formation Warm Up pilots must poses adequate formation skills to be considered safe for solo in a 4-ship or larger, performing all of the maneuvers in the Sport Class Formation Guidelines.

A prerequisite for participating in Sport Class PRTC training is formation training from the following sources:

  • Military Formation Training and Experience (Training Command, UPT, Fleet or Force).
  • FFI or FAST (Industry Formation Carded, documented attandance at FAST/FFI clinics, or documented training with FFI/FAST pilots).
  • Other documented sources of formation experience, such as documented training with Sport Class pilots.

Formation Clinics

  • None scheduled at this time

If you are not able to make it to any of the scheduled formation clinics, feel free to Contact Us. We will connect you with one of our Sport Class pilots for formation training

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