Pylon Racing Training Camp

In order to participate in PRTC, current Sport Class Racers, and prospective Rookie Racers must complete the following tasks:

1. Review the Pilot Qualifications and Aircraft Eligibility Requirements on the membership page of this website.

2a. Current Members Renew your Sport Class Membership via the link on the membership page.

2b. Prospective New Members Join Sport Class (after reviewing the information on the home page and the membership page, complete the New Member Application)

3. Pay your annual membership fee.

**4. Join the Sport Class group (both “Main” and “Racers and Owners”).

**5. Complete the PRTC application steps

**6. Upload all required documents, per the PRTC application instructions

**Detailed instructions will be provided for each of these steps. If you are a member of the Racers and Owners subgroup in, application instructions can be added by clicking HERE.

NOTE: SARC PRTC applications are completed via our, Racers and Owners Subgroup site. Once you are a member of that group, you will have access to the application instructions.

NOTE: The PRTC application process is initiated with a Welcome Letter from the SARC President, and will contain additional information and instructions. That Welcome letter will be forwarded from the Sport Class President to all eligible racers (Certified and Rookie)

Hotel Information

Sport Class Air Racing Sponsors